1.1 Background to the Study
The diminishing productivity and job satisfaction of teachers has been one of the most troubling issues that stakeholders in the education industry have been concerned about over the past ten years. Results of numerous internal and external assessments, among other things, can be used to readily determine how well teachers are performing their jobs. The government has periodically organized some in-service training programmes to enhance teachers' job performance and level of job satisfaction. In-service training for teachers is one of these programmes, as are seminars, workshops, conferences, and symposiums on educational topics. The lack of discernible progress in teachers' work performance and job satisfaction suggests that additional intellectual efforts should be made in this area, which is why this current endeavour is being conducted. The effectiveness of instructors at their jobs can be defined as their capacity to enhance pupils' learning as indicated by their progress on standardized achievement exams (Basavanthappa, 2014).
A measure of a worker's contentment with their job, whether they like the job or certain parts or features of occupations, such as the nature of the work or supervision, is called job satisfaction, teachers satisfaction, or work satisfaction. There are behavioral, affective, and cognitive ways to assess job satisfaction.
Several factors may have an impact on teachers' job performance and job satisfaction. These characteristics may include, among others, motivation, the principals' leadership style, the working environment, the accessibility of infrastructure, the workload, equipment and instructional materials, compensation, and occupational stress. Stress is a physical and emotional feeling of stress (Selye, 2014). Stress is a component of everyday life for people. It is an essential component of difficulties that lead to the mastery of new abilities and behavioural habits. But when stress becomes extreme and persistent, issues start to appear. After it, the person has inconsistent emotional, cognitive, and physiological functioning (Kyriaciou, 2016). Any external action, condition, or event that exerts unique physical and/or psychological demands on a person results in stress, which is an adaptive reaction mediated by individual features and/or psychological processes (Jepsob, & Forrest, 2016). Occupational stress is viewed by Kyriacio (2016) as negative feelings or unpleasant emotional state resulting from work. Smith and Bourke (2016) conceive of occupational stress as a subjective negative response to a component of the workplace that jeopardises the worker's wellness or sense of self. Akinboye and Adeyemo (2016) Describe it as a "global epidemic" that affects all professions. Therefore, professionals such as doctors, priests, prison guards, police officers, soldiers, nurses, customs agents, teachers, lawyers, pilots, sailors, bankers, and others may face occupational stress. Particularly in the present day, where it appears that employers have disregarded teachers' welfare, teaching appears to be a particularly demanding profession. Borg(2016) finds that up to one-third of teachers consider their work to be extremely stressful. It is evident that instructors might experience stress from a variety of sources. Kyriacou(2016) states that dealing with unmotivated pupils, upholding classroom rules, dealing with time constraints, and workload expectations are the primary causes of teacher stress. It also involves experiencing a lot of change, being judged by others, and having difficult relationships with coworkers, management, and the administration. Additionally, the uncertainty of the teacher's function, poor relationships with coworkers, students, and administrators, as well as exposure to generally unfavourable working conditions, are all significant contributors to teacher stress. Up to a reasonable degree, stress is unavoidable and motivates people, but persistent teacher stress has been linked to physical and mental health problems, both of which have a negative impact on teachers' professional efficacy (KyriacouandPratt, 2019). In the moment, teaching appears to have increased in stress levels. It is a known truth that a teacher's performance is greatly influenced by his or her psychological well-being. The physical and mental health of teachers are impacted by teacher stress, which may negatively impact their performance and degree of job satisfaction. There are several things that can raise teacher stress levels. These factors according to Weiskopf (2016) includes: the high student-teacher ratio in the classroom, the unclear programme frameworks, and the ongoing obligation to take care of others. In a separate review, Gallery, Eisenbach, and Holman(2016)noted four contributing factors such as: role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, and lack of administrative support as factors attributed to teachers’ occupational stress. Murphy (2015) asserts that a person's occupational workplace may contain any variety of conditions that cause stress and have an impact on how well they perform at work. Murphy (2015) lists the following categories of workplace stressors in one's field of work, including: an unfavourable working environment, inadequate infrastructure, an excessive workload, inadequate teaching materials, a lack of in-service training, and pupils' discipline.. Others include: conflicts occurring due to ill-defined organizational boundaries, over promotion; under promotion; lack of job security; thwarted ambitions, relationship at work; poor relations with boss, subordinates or colleagues; difficulties in delegation, threat of violence, harassment; organizational structure and climate which include: participation or non-participation in decision making; management style and communications patterns. Active, resourceful, skilled, and contented instructors are a major factor in how well the educational system performs (Usha, 2013).
An excellent teacher assures the stduents' optimal development in addition to imparting the full educational curriculum given to him or her in the best and most efficient way possible. In the current environment, where there is intense rivalry in all areas of life, the effectiveness of the teacher is crucial for preparing the pupils to meet global issues. An essential element of a high-quality education is effective teaching. There are numerous variables that affect a teacher's performance and degree of satisfaction, some of which include the working environment, pay, and an efficient reward system (Raghu, 2014).
Basavanthappa (2014) asserts that effective teachers are those who are content with their work and accomplish the objectives that they or others, such as education ministries, legislators, other government officials, and school/college administrators, have set. If these goals are to be accomplished, effective instructors must be happy with their jobs, have the knowledge and abilities necessary to achieve those goals, and be able to apply that knowledge and abilities appropriately..
As opined by Janelle (2017), Thus, the teacher does certain tasks that help them be productive in their work, which raises their degree of job satisfaction. These obligations include: Plan lessons that cover certain areas. Teachers' stress frequently impairs their capacity for productivity, sometimes to the point of burnout, which lowers their level of job satisfaction. Other common side effects of teacher stress include decreased work output and performance, low levels of teacher satisfaction, inability to manage time or delegate, feelings of inadequacy and isolation, a lack of motivation, an increase in introversion, irritability with coworkers, a refusal to cooperate, frequent irrational conflict at work, withdrawal from relationships with people who can support them, a loss of enthusiasm for the job, and increased risk of infection and accidents (Pooring, 2010). Poor working conditions, inadequate infrastructure, an excessive workload, inadequate instructional materials, delayed or unpaid salary, in-service training, and indiscipline are some factors that contribute to teachers' occupational stress. The researcher noticed that in the study area, an unfavourable work environment is a source of stress that appears to affect instructors' effectiveness on the job. The assumption is that the majority of the area's secondary schools appear to have bad working conditions, including deteriorated infrastructure, hostile surroundings, and dirt, among other things, which is not good for the teachers. It is challenging for teachers to instruct in such a setting.
The majority of schools hardly ever have adequate classrooms, labs, equipment, playgrounds, or canteens, to name a few. The impact of this circumstance on teachers' job satisfaction and performance seems to be unfavourable.. It is to this the study centres on occupational stress and teachers performance and satisfaction in Akoko south west local government area of Ondo state
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
Recently, educational stakeholders, especially in Akoko local government Area, have been seriously debating the topic of occupational stress, job happiness, and job performance among teachers. This is due to the fact that stakeholders in the majority of schools in the area have expressed concern over the issue of occupational stress, which may have been to blame for teachers' job performance and job satisfaction. This has resulted in students' poor performance in school entrance exams, school admission tests, placement tests, and tests intended to foresee achievement in particular school subjects. The following factors contribute to occupational stress and appear to be negatively affecting teachers' job performance and job satisfaction in the aforementioned areas: an unfavourable working environment that discourages teachers from preparing themselves for effective teaching; inadequate infrastructure; an excessive workload; and the availability of educational materials for teaching and learning. Student indiscipline, which in some cases leads to secondary schools being closed, is another factor that seems to stress out teachers and negatively affect their performance and job satisfaction in the classroom. Teachers are also denied the chance to participate in in-service training, which would allow them to update their knowledge and develop new teaching skills, and their salaries are delayed by several months. Another case of a class teacher at one secondary school in Akoko collapsing and dying in a classroom due to job stress was observed personally by the researcher in the study region.
This might have happened as a result of an excessive workload and inadequate ventilation in lecture halls. The performance and level of satisfaction of teachers may have been significantly impacted by the aforementioned elements. It appears that teachers' pay is being delayed at schools, which makes it harder for them to support themselves and their families. This appears to increase their level of job stress, impair their performance, and decrease their level of satisfaction with their teaching duties. It is to this the study centres on occupational stress and teachers performance and satisfaction in akoko south west local government area of ondo state
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
The main purpose of this study was to investigate Occupational Stress and Teachers Performance and Satisfaction in Akoko South West Local Government Area of Ondo State. The specific objectives of the study were to:
1) Ascertain the influence of stress due to un- conducive working environment on teachers’ job performance and satisfaction in secondary schools in.
2) establish the influence of stress due to inadequate infrastructural facilities on teachers ‘job performance and satisfaction in secondary schools.
3) To ascertain the influence of stress due to excess workload on teachers’ performance and satisfaction in secondary schools.
4) To determine the influence of stress due to inadequate instructional materials on teachers ‘job performance and satisfaction in secondary schools.
1.4 Research Questions
1) What is the influence of stress due to un-conducive working environment on teachers’ job performance and satisfaction in secondary schools in Akoko South West Local Government Area Of Ondo State?
2) what is the influence of stress due to inadequate infrastructural facilities on teachers ‘job performance and satisfaction in secondary schools?
3) To what extent does stress due to excess workload influence teachers’ performance and satisfaction in secondary schools?
4) What is the influence of stress due to inadequate instructional materials on teachers ‘job performance and satisfaction in secondary schools?
1.5 Significance Of The Study
The findings of this research would be of great benefit to stakeholders in education such as government, policy makers, individual proprietors/proprietresses, school administrators, teachers, parents, students and the general public. Theoretically, the findings of this study would be an eye opener to school administrators on the need to consider certain circumstances before making decisions in their school that may have negative influence on the teachers’ job performance. They would also be aware that the making of such decisions must be seen as relevant and accepted by the teachers to avoid the issue of stress. The school administrators would also be aware of the negative implications of making his/her teachers ineffective when exposed to stressful situation. The findings of this study would guide policy makers on the need to integrate occupational stress management information in teachers’ education and leadership courses as it contributes to the body of literature on management of occupational stress in organization. The findings of this study would make government see the need to increase funding of secondary education so that learning environment would be conducive for effective teaching and learning and devoid of teacher stress. It would also make the government to be more resourceful in planning programmes aimed at minimizing occupational stress among teachers especially, in secondary schools. The findings and recommendations of this study would enable teachers to know the causes, negative consequences of occupational stress as well as guide the management so as to avoid breakdown in the discharge of their responsibilities. It would also encourage teachers on their job hence the provision of welfare packages by employers and agitating for minimizing their stress. Individual school proprietors and proprietresses shall be exposed to the influence of occupational stress on teachers’ performance in secondary school. As a result, they shall be able to marshal out resources that would facilitate effective secondary school management. The findings of this study would also inform parents on the negative implication of teacher stress not just on teachers but their children and wards so that they would see the need to desist from unnecessary insults, harassment and assaults of teachers which tend to add to teachers’ stress thereby negatively affecting their performances and that of their children. The findings of this study would also serve as an eye-opener to students to desist from in disciplinary acts that are capable of causing teachers stress as well as making hem ineffective in their teaching task. The findings of this study if implemented would bring about a reduction in the stress of teachers thereby, bringing about performance and improved quality of education. Finally, the findings would provide a basic framework for comparative study on occupational stress in other organization. It is also hoped that the findings of this research would expand the frontiers of knowledge by contributing to the knowledge bank as well asstimulating further studies on the subject matter.
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