Co-curricular activities sponsored or recognized by a school or college which are not part of the academic curriculum but are acknowledged to be an essential part of the life of an educational institution. Co-curricular activities include sports, school bands, student newspapers etc. They may also be classed as ‘Extracurricular’ i.e. activities carried on outside the regular course of study; activities outside the usual duties of a job, as extra class activities”- according to The International Dictionary of Education (1977). not until recently that Educational practitioners and researchers have taken a more positive perspective arguing that co-curricular activities may have positive effects in life skills and may also benefit academic accomplishment, Guest and Schneider (2003). sStudies have been conducted concerning the relationship between co-curricular activities and academic performance. Total extracurricular activity participation (TEAP), or participation in extracurricular activities in general, is associated with an improved grade point average, higher educational aspirations, increased college attendance, and reduced absenteeism (Broh, 2002). Study conducted by the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88), found that participation in some activities improves achievement, while participation in others diminishes achievement (Cilesiz & Drotos, 2014). Co-curricular activities have been divided into informal and formal activities. The formal activities include activities which are relatively structured such as participation in athletics or learning to play music instruments. Informal activities, on other hand, also known as leisure activities includes less structured activities, such as watching television. Some literature on leisure studies has suggested that formal and informal activities setting have different influences on motivation and feelings of competence, two factors which influence academic performance (Kariyana, Maphosa & Mapuranga (2017). One study found “that more time in leisure activities was related to poorer academic grades, poorer work habits, and poorer emotional adjustments,” while more time in “structured groups and less time watching TV were associated with higher test scores and school grades” (Marsh & Kleitman, 2002, para. 15). Data from Lagos state ministry of education (2021) shows that schools in Lagos have not fully embraced co-curricular activities on their daily routine. This study investigated the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
According to Ajayi, lawani and salome (2012), the issue of poor performance in education is so crucial because its a must that the students has to attain certain grades to be admitted to a higher level of educational institutions and their schools to be recognised as the best among the region where students can achieve better results. As a result of this, public secondary schools in Kenya, more specifically in Gem sub-county, focus much on quality grades and average score of the school in KCSE, at the expense of co-curricular activities. Students are drilled to pass exams and concern with class work without allowing them time to explore outside classroom activities. These explorations are what spices up education in school as often than ignored is the fact these students tend to tire on books without an additional value outside pen and paper
The purpose of this study is to examine The Impact Of Co-Curricular Activities On Students Academic Performance In Selecetd Schools In Alimosho L.G.A Of Lagos State.
1) To examine the impact of co-curricular activities on students academic performance
2)To outline the types of co-curricular activities engaged by students in schools
3) To examine other factors that influence students academic performance
Based on the problems discussed above, the study provided answers to the following research questions
1) What is the impact of co-curricular activities on students academic performance?
2)What are the types of co-curricular activities engaged by students in schools?
3) What are other factors that influence students academic performance ?
This study would enable the researcher to pass their experience on the subject matter to Education research centers, government ministries, schools, students to serve as a medium for further research.
The study would cover The impact of co-curricular activity on students academic performance in Alimosho local government of Lagos state
The researcher was faced with the following constraints in carrying out this study:
Time: The time within the researcher is too short to carry on the detail study on this topic.
Resources: Another constraint of the researcher is financial resources to carry on the detail study of this topic. Data: Another limitation to this study will be lack of data to make valid study on the research problem.
CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITY: Co-curricular activities, also known as out-of-class activities, are any events that you participate in outside of your regular academic coursework. They can be anything from sports and clubs to volunteering and part-time work.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests
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