Violence is the deliberate application of physical force or power, whether threatened or used, against oneself, another person, a group, or a community that causes or is highly likely to cause harm, death, emotional damage, or deprivation (World Health Organization, 1996). Human rights are violated by many different sorts of violence, including physical abuse, sexual assault, emotional abuse, financial abuse, material abuse, desertion, and severe loss of respect and dignity. Previous studies shown that psychological and verbal abuse are also used as forms of violence in addition to physical abuse (Pourreza, Batebi and Moussavi, 2004). Since most incidents of intimate partner violence are not reported to the police, many experts contend that it is difficult to determine the full scope of the issue.
Furthermore, Gambo and Mohamed (2016) remarked that women's isolation from supportive family relationships is frequently linked to domestic abuse, which is a serious global problem. Therefore, the coping mechanisms used by women who experience domestic violence have their roots in historical, cultural, and religious traditions. However, some women find it difficult to deal with the dynamic nature of human relations, especially in Nigeria.. In Nigeria, it is believed that one in five women experience some type of violence throughout their lifetime, which frequently culminates in harm or death (Okemgbo et al 2002). Ajala (2007) said that girls and women experience violence almost constantly throughout their lives. He continued by saying that it is obvious that intimate relationships harm women physically, emotionally, sexually, and financially. He claims that the silence of the women is caused by the violence being shielded most of the time by family secrets, cultural norms, fear and humiliation, community resistance to domestic affairs, and social stigma. In general, violence against women is described as any form of force, overt or covert, used to compel a woman to do anything against her will that results in either bodily harm, emotional harm, or both, depending on the situation (Women and violence, 2011) Famwang (2008) In general, violence against women is described as any form of force, overt or covert, used to compel a woman to do anything against her will that results in either bodily harm, emotional harm, or both, depending on the situation..
In the words of Waddington, Badger & Bull (2004), Violence is defined as "the actual or under threat, knowing or deliberate application of statutorily prohibited physical force by one person directly against one or more other persons outside the contexts both of formal societal or organisational structures and of civil or otherwise collective problems and initiatives for the purpose of securing some end against the will or without permission of the other person or individuals".
The manifestations of the social malady of domestic violence, according to Aihie (2009) include: Physical Abuse: This is using physical force in a way that either hurts the victim or puts them in danger of doing so. It includes female genital mutilation, incarceration, beating, kicking, knocking, pushing, and choking. One of the most typical types of physical abuse is physical abuse. Sexual assault, intimidation, and exploitation fall under the category of sexual abuse. It include coercing someone into having sex, employing a child for sex, including child prostitution and sexually explicit material, and forcing someone to engage in sexual activity. Marital rape also comes under this. Neglect: This involves failing to provide for dependents, who may be adults or children, as well as depriving family members of necessities like food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention as well as safety and protection. Withholding money for necessities like food and medical care, manipulating or exploiting a family member for financial gain, restricting a loved one from working, or limiting his or her choice of career are all examples of economic abuse. Spiritual abuse comprises interfering with a person's ability to engage in their religious or spiritual practises as well as utilising their religion as a tool for power, dominance, or control. Emotional Abuse: This includes placing a person at risk of major behavioural, cognitive, emotional, or mental illnesses, endangering them or their property, or diminishing their feeling of self-worth. The most frequent kind of abuse was shouting at a partner, which was discovered by Obi and Ozunba (2007) is included. Name-calling, criticism, social exclusion, intimidation or exploitation to dominate, consistently making excessive demands, terrorising a person verbally or physically, and exposing a kid to violence are also considered forms of emotional abuse. Domestic abuse coping mechanisms used by women and their motivations have been discussed in Gelles (1975). He contended that women try to cope given the severity of violence. Gelles asserted that women are more likely to remain in marriages where violence is both less severe and less common, adding that the woman's background plays a role. A woman who experienced violence frequently as a youngster is likely to develop the belief that violence is unavoidable in life. The problem of domestic violence cuts across all levels, irrespective of class, education or financial position of family members (Okemgbo et al, 2002).
Religion plays a significant role on domestic violence against women. Gambo and Mohamed (2016) In addition, their research revealed that spouses' relationships are actually enhanced by their shared religious beliefs, lowering the probability of not only domestic violence but also other types of family violence. The love-centered message of Christianity also appears to shield followers from abuse. The ideology of female subjugation to male authority, on the other hand, seems to foster domestic abuse of women. This could be the cause of the study's considerable link between domestic violence and Christianity. Prayer, Bible reading, and visits to the pastor for counselling and prayers are some of the actions involved in stopping domestic abuse. It is not surprising that religious teaching and affiliation provide a crucial framework for many women as they address experiences of victimisation given that religion is a personal and institutional reality in the lives of the majority of people in Nigeria. Religious societies and institutions spread their members' values and worldviews through texts, traditions, instructions, and doctrine. Scriptures from both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles include accounts of violence against women. In the “Rules of Marriage” compiled by Friar Cherubino in the 15th century (Bussert, 1986:13) “We come across the meticulous advice for the spouse to first correct his wife; "And if this still doesn't work, take up a stick and beat her soundly, for it is better to punish the body and correct the soul than to damage the soul and spare the body.". Sadly, this theory has been seen as being in line with biblical verses that have been used to justify male domination over women, such as the following: "Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are subject to the Lord. Since Christ is the head of the church, the body of which he is the Saviour, just as the husband is the head of the wife. Just as the church is subject to Christ, so too should wives be to their husbands in all things” (Ephesians 5.22-24 NRSV). Either by its silence or its instruction, the church and religious leaders has too often communicated to battered women that they should stay in abusive relationships, try to be better wives, and “forgive and forget.” It is to this the study centers on Domestic Violence and the Effects of Religious Beliefs on Domestic Violence in Nigeria
Despite the numerous programmes already in place to address domestic violence in Nigeria, it is still a problem that is widely widespread. Since there are sizable Muslim and Christian populations in Nigeria, it is sense that religious principles would help prevent domestic abuse and promote harmonious families. This is regrettably not the case. According to literature, the church has a significant role in promoting social justice, particularly the prevention of domestic abuse, throughout the world.
Religious teachings and affiliations provide a key background for many women as they address their experiences of violence because religion is a personal and institutional reality in the lives of the majority of people. Additionally, research has indicated that clergy members are frequently approached for advice on family concerns and domestic violence situations, if not the first. Couples or families experiencing domestic violence will inevitably look to it for assistance because it is one of the entities that legally oversees marriages. The government and nongovernmental organisations (NGOS) base their domestic abuse programmes on human rights frameworks, but churches and mosques, which are numerous and different, lack a shared set of guiding principles. This means that various clergy, churches and mosques address domestic violence in various ways that might not be helpful in finding a solution..
The major aim of the study is to examine domestic violence and the effects of religious beliefs on domestic violence in Nigeria. Other specific objectives of the study include;
1 To assess the role of clergy on domestic violence in Nigeria.
2 To examine the effect of religion on domestic violence in Nigeria
3 To examine the Nexus Between Religious Beliefs And Domestic Violence
1) What is the role of clergy on domestic violence in Nigeria?
2) what is the effect of religion on domestic violence in Nigeria?
3) How is the relationship between Religious Beliefs and Domestic Violence?
The Nigerian government will profit from this study's inherent potential by using it to better understand and detect domestic violence and security issues there. Such research results will energise the public and give the justification for holding policy owners accountable for their policy commitments. The research findings are supposed to contribute to the body of knowledge on domestic violence and insecurity. This project will produce a useful academic product for decision-makers, researchers, and civil society organizations. Additionally, the study will advance our understanding while also acting as a future guide for researchers who may pursue similar lines of inquiry.
The study is restricted to Domestic Violence and the Effects of Religious Beliefs on Domestic Violence in Nigeria.
1.7 Research Methods
This presents a description of the research design, the instrument of data collection, the methods for data analysis and limitation of the study.
1.7.1 Resign Design
In this study, the research adopts systematic qualitative content analysis as its method. Therefore, the documents such as newspapers, textbooks, journals, articles and other written records based on Domestic Violence And The Effects Of Religious Beliefs On Domestic Violence In Nigeria
1.7.3 Method of Data Collection
This study adopted secondary data sources. Secondary sources used in the documents such as newspapers, textbooks, journals, articles and other written records based on Domestic Violence And The Effects Of Religious Beliefs On Domestic Violence In Nigeria
1.7.4 Method of data Analysis
In this study, the researcher used analytical induction analysis of secondary data acquired in order to draw conclusions from it. The process of creating causal explanations for study phenomena is referred to as analytical induction analysis. It entails the practice of looking for commonalities that may indicate to common factors. The researcher also conducted a systematic reading of texts and other articles with the goal of obtaining explicit and implicit information on the content of the aforementioned publications (Hammsley, 2004).
Violence: has been defined as the use of coercive forms of power, the use of force or the threat of its use to compel someone to do something that the person might not otherwise do. Violence Against women means any act of violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.
Gender Based Violence: violence between men and women, usually with the female being the victim, that results from unequal power dynamics between men and women. Boys and men may also be the target of gender-based violence, while women and girls often make up the majority of the victims (although it does happen to both sexes).
Domestic Violence: This type of abuse involves close relationships. Men can abuse women, men can abuse children, women can abuse children, and occasionally women will abuse men. In many cases, the violence consists of a mix of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse that takes place in a cyclical and increasing cycle and can eventually lead to serious stabbing attacks or even death. Economic exploitation and social exclusion are other aspects of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is known to be pervasive across all racial, educational, geographic, and social spheres of society.
Clergy: are the pastors or Muslim clerics that serve the members of the church or mosque.
The study will be divided into five chapters. The first chapter will contain the introduction, back ground to the study, statement of the research problem, research questions, and objectives of the study, and significance of the study, scope of the study, definition of terms and organization of the study. The second chapter will deal with relevant studies found in the literature and that are related to the study which includes the conceptual discourse, review of studies and theoretical framework of the study. The third chapter will highlight Nigeria and African Conception of Domestic Violence. Fourth chapter will deal with the analysis On the topic and Finally, chapters five will contain the summary, conclusions and recommendations which are derived from this study.
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