Office Technology and Management is a nomenclature that has replaced Secretarial Studies Programme in Nigerian Polytechnics as introduced by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) in 2004. This was as a result of an extensive review of Secretarial Studies Curriculum in order to make its recipients to be ICT-compliant and fit appropriately in the world of work, most especially, in modern offices that are characterized by various types of state of the art communication and technology. Polytechnic education in Nigeria is recognized as part of tertiary education whose aim is to provide middle-level manpower to man the various sectors of Nigerian economy (Ikelegbe and Odede, 2012).
According to the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004), Polytechnics in Nigeria shall maintain a two-tier programme of studies; namely, the National Diploma (ND) and the Higher National Diploma (HND) with one-year period of industrial experience serving as one of the pre-requisites for entry into the HND programme.
Office Technology and Management programme is designed to equip students with the competencies required to work in a modern office environment. The broad objectives of OTM programme, according to NBTE (2004), are:
The efforts towards the use of ICT in the training of office managers and its use in teaching office technologists/secretaries has met several challenges as pointed out by Udoye and Ikenga (2010). These include:
Inadequate ICT infrastructure such as computer hardware and software; resistance to change from traditional pedagogical methods of teaching secretarial education/office management to more innovative and technology-based teaching and learning method; lack of skilled manpower to manage available systems; inadequate facilities for office managers/educators at the tertiary institutions and incessant electricity distribution. This study is there set to find if these challenging situations still exist or there has been improvement.
The unavailability and inadequacy of facilities for OTM programme have generated serious concerns recently. The OTM programme in Ken Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic faces the problem of inadequate facilities and this has hampered the acquisition of knowledge and skills expected to prepare the learners for the world of work. Learning practical work would be meaningless without the use of teaching resources and students would grope in darkness for long before they could get a grasp of what the teacher is teaching (Azih, 2008). Office Technology and Management programme curriculum that appears to be a response to a global initiative with an objective that portends new academic direction in favour of ICT requires adequate provision of modern facilities for effective teaching and learning. Unfortunately, there seems to be inadequacy of these resources with the attendant negative consequences.
Office technology and management program in our polytechnics is in a poor state. Due to the poor state of our economy, the program lacks the required materials and equipment for effective academic instructions. Most of the typing pools of these instructions still maintain the old out-dated typewriters, sometimes even those that are available are in a very poor condition as they do not function well.
The major purpose of this study was to assess the state of ICT facilities in the department of OTM and its effect on OTM graduates. Specifically, the study intend:
This research work just like every study is significance to the extent that it will enable the department of office technology and management to look into the poor facilities in the department and help office technology and management student likewise the lectures to be conversant with the relevant facilities.
From this study, office technology and management student will know about some of the facilities commonly used in offices and make efforts to purchase them. It will also strengthen the link existing between the employer of labour and OTM student if these facilities are adequately provided.
Lastly, if these instructional facilities are adequate it will be a pre-requisite for the award of National Diploma (ND) and the Higher National Diploma (HND).
The following research questions guided the study:
The scope of this research work is limited to discussing the state of facilities available in OTM department and its effects on OTM graduates. It will be carried out in the department of office technology and management of the Ken Saro-Wiwa polytechnic Bori.
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