The word “communication” is derived from a latin verb “communis” which means to “to share” to consult or to discuss with one another. Communication is also closely related to yet another justice and fellowship in interpersonal relationship. In away named, group, or organization men are usually working together to achieve a common goal and objectives. The importance of effective communication cannot be over-emphasized because it is a very vital element for the survival and existence of any organization both at local and international levels of business transactions. Communication is also as old as man.
Communication in essence is the cornerstone of any given organization if its goal or aims is to be achieved. Hence, communication aid men in the exchange of information, knowledge, and of organizational goals and target.
It is very essential to note that the life time of any organization, be it private or public or that at the international or local level is communication.
Betty (1980), defines communication as, “all that a person that a person does when he want to create understanding in the mind other persons”. According to Thompson (1960), “communication is the transmission of information from the sources to the destination and vice versa”, from this general and functional definition, one can generalize that men are usually with each other in one form or the other in everyday life. The trend of interaction is for communication as well as it occurs between machine and men as in the modern information. The communication system or processes are made up of the following: a sender, Receiver, message/messages and medium. Besides, according to Ogundipe in Amakiri (2013), communication makes interaction between people, regions and countries possible it is the heart of any relationship , be it filial or business, in the business world communication enables goods and services be
traded on. It is referred to as the imperial or sharing of information. It could also be seen as the act of transferring information through speech, the written word or the more subtle non-verbal ways. According to Eyre in Azuma (2011) communication as the transferring of a thought or a message to another party so that it can be understood and acted upon. Acchunye (2004) perceives communication as a means of making oneself understood, and being able to understand what another person is saying. To Adekomi (1999) in Achuonye (2004), communication is the process of exchanging of information or ideas between two or more individuals with the purpose of eliciting a change of behavior.
According to Nnaa (2011) an office as any place; temporal or permanent or even transitional where relevant records for the purpose of control, planning and efficient management of the organization are prepared, handled and presented or where the services of communication and are relieved, record, giving and sorted for the purpose of achieving organizational goal.
The institute of administrative management England defines office management which is concerned with the service of obtaining, recording and analyzing information of planning and communicating, by means of which the management of a business safeguards its asset, promote its affairs and achieve its objectives.
Leffingwell and Robinson in Nnaa (2011) state that office management is that branch of the art and science of management which is concerned with the efficient performance of office work, whenever and whenever that is done.
From the foregoing definitions, one can understand office management to mean the art of planning, coordinating, directing, controlling and organizing the activities of an office which include collecting, arranging, storing, recording and giving information and safeguarding assets in order to achieve specific objectives. It is the performance of management functions in the office for attainment of goals. Nnaa (2011).
In ancient years, management have developed formal communication channels to enhance effective performance in offices/organization but little do we know whether the channel tryful their objectives in the organizational set-up.
Some organization despite the possession of formal communication channels or organization charts are still performing below of the expected level, it is the concern of this research to find out why the problem of effective communication receives in the management of offices.
The main objective of this study is to examine and identify the problems of effective communication in office management. It is also,
Every research is undertaken to produce awareness and provide answers or solution to problems. It is therefore believed that when the result of the investigation is concluded recommendation will be made that will help improve the level of communication between managers and employees within an organization. This, on turn will help faster mutual working relationship and create conducive atmosphere within such organization. It will also be significant to student that will make further research on this area of study.
In an attempt to pursue the objective of this study, the following research questions will be answered.
The study was intended to examine communication in a number of business organizations. It also examine some factors that could make communication inactive in some organizations. Besides it would attempt to put recommendations. For the convenience of the researcher, the study was limited to Eleme petrochemicals
This research work had some problems one of which was lack of funds. This prevented the researcher from covering other organizations to have a wider view of the problem understudy.
Also, the attitude of some of the respondents posed a lot of setback to the study, this was either incomplete of questionnaire or inaptitude towards the researcher by respondents. Another, was the limited time within which the project work was expected to be completed with other academic work at hand. This caused the researcher a great problem as he finds it difficult to cope with both at the same time.
The following terms are defined in component with the meaning it paraphrases in this research work.
COMMUNICATION: Is the transferring of the thought or a massage to another party so that it can be understood and acted upon.
SECRETARY: A person employed to handle correspondence and do routine work in a business office, usually taking dictation, typing, filing, and the rest.
TECHNOLOGY: The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and useof office technical means and they are interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
OFFICE: A room, set of rooms, or building used as a place of business for non-manual work.
OFFICE MANAGEMNET: Office management as the art of planning, coordinating, directing, controlling and organizing the activities of an office which include collecting, arranging, storing, recoding and giving out information and safeguarding assets in order to achieve specified objectives. It is the performance of management functions in an office for attainment of goal.
MANAGER: A person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff.
OFFICE STAFF: Professional or clerical workers in an office.
MANAGEMENT: The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
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