Chapter one
Background to the study
Movement activities have been a major feature in the history of Africa and the entire globe generally. This is because movement activities are essential for survival 1. Migration is important and vital from the history of the story of man, families, villages and nation- state. As a result, migration can be traced back to the beginning of man, particularly when he wished to migrate in search of food during periodic famine seasons2. At the time, additional reasons for migration included the desire to escape the throng and the need for autonomy25.
Almost every person and nation state has some internal or international migration history, which is primarily driven by two forces known as the "Pull" and "Push" elements24. Internal or external migration are both possible. Internal migration, which in this case can be from rural to urban or from Lagos to Port Harcourt, describes people moving inside the same geographical region 23. Whereas international migration is concerned with the bridging of borders or international boundaries, examples include the South-South migration from Cameroon to Nigeria and the South-North migration from Nigeria to the United States 17. South-South Migration, also referred as Regional Integration, and South-North Migration are the main topics of this study's analysis of international migration. The exporting state, the recipient state, and the migrant must all be involved in the migration process for international migration to occur 11.
In order to control migration activities in Nigeria as a sending nation state and a recipient nation state, the government, other governmental agencies, and other migration regulations all play a role in this16. A sizable number of people (nationals) engage in the worldwide culture of international migration. Via agreements and collaborations with other (states) in the international system, movement can be extremely beneficial to a nation state15.
Legal migration is more prevalent in developing nations than in developed nations. 31. There are currently about 1 billion migrants living outside of their country of origin People frequently move from one location to another for a variety of reasons, most of which are known to them, and because it is a vital aspect of man's character3.
Legal immigration is reportedly on the rise as a result of the widespread education about the advantages and possibilities available in different nations through a variety of channels, including television, the internet, and other media. Immigration is a delicate topic in debates and conversations in the international system, especially with regard to international migration 25. The traditions and culture of legal migration in our immediate world, however, have been influenced by this foundation and tendency as well as many growing phases of globalisation. Modernization, which has taken place in various stages, has alerted people to significant advantages and opportunities that exist globally19. This advantage includes employment prospects, access to international education credentials, interconnection, and international interactions between nations that open up opportunities for interdependence, particularly in the area of human resources 13. The joy of being a citizen of the nation state that people so much want is another one of their many excellent advantages 12. Migration became a widespread lifestyle and trend in our current world as a result of these imagined opportunities 3. It is concerning how quickly migration is growing since, while it cannot be entirely halted, it can be managed well to the nation state's advantage, fostering socioeconomic progress 5.
A nation state can be developed through other means, such as by equipping the labour force of the nation state with high-caliber knowledge and skills for high effectiveness as earned results 6. Legal migration (emigration and immigration) is a significant and well-known economic factor that can help a nation state recover. Migration is necessary and welcomed, nevertheless, as the combination of unique expertise from different cultures and nationalities can help a nation state thrive 18.
The knowledge of the 21st century with regard to Legal migration (emigration and immigration) issues is revealed to be the tip of the iceberg because international migration will continue to develop and increase as a result of migrants' disclosure to and experiences with the aid of various developing stages of globalization 2. Migration is inevitable due to the significant increase in demand for labour, as well as the "pull" and "push" variables that influence it. These causes cause people (nationals) to desperately want to leave their country of origin. This describes Migration as an activity and also a reaction that makes the migrant unstoppable6.
However, the international system is particularly worried about this high rate of migration across borders due to the high increase and migrants' wishes to become citizens of a nation state at any costs or settle in their preferred locations whicha lead to the illegal migration of individuals into recipient 19. This clarifies why nation states guard their borders and entry points jealously. Without proper management and conduct of these migrants with regard to migration activities, the nation-state will be overrun by unskilled workers and undesirable individuals, which could lead to annoyance and unfavourable consequences 14. The receiving nation state is always fortunate to have skilled migrants. The wealth generated by Nigeria's oil industry in the 1970s and 1980s encouraged more people to immigrate to Nigeria from its neighbouring West African nations. Legally or illegally 19.
The state of Nigeria shares boundaries with Cameroon, which is located in the eastern portion of Nigeria, Chad, which is located in the northern portion of Nigeria, and the Benin Republic, which is located in the south-west of Nigeria26. The open borders, which are mostly advantageous to Nigeria's West African neighbours economically, keep the country at a disadvantage because they are largely unprotected, endangering its socioeconomic development and National security 22. Although the movement is thought to bring about peace and unity among West Africans and to encourage trade, which would help the region's states' economies grow through ECOWAS 10.
The administration is crucial in each of these. More so, the topic of migration has been a trend in Nigeria for graduates, professionals, and hustlers due to the lack of socioeconomic development among other factors in the Nigerian state. The hustlers, in particular, frequently cross the nation state's porous boundaries in pursuit of a greener pasture 27.
If Nigeria as a nation state actually intends to benefit from international mobility (emigration and immigration) in the same way that the developed countries does today, the government has a role. As previously mentioned, the Nigerian Immigration Service (the agency) plays an unusual position in the administration of international migration activities (immigration and emigration), which are connected to the socioeconomic development and security of the Nigerian state this will help curtail illegal Migration into Nigeria which could be a threat to National security.
Due to the agency's status as the nation-gatekeeper, state's effective performance of its tasks by the government can result in a respectable degree of socioeconomic development, greater life quality, and increased security in Nigeria (Ministry of interior, 2016 and Evans, 2016). It is to this the study centers on Impact On Legal Migration In Nigeria (1999-2010)
Aims and Objectives of the study
The major purpose of this study is impact on legal migration in Nigeria (1999-2010). Other specific objectives include:
1) To examine the state of the Nigerian borders and international Migration in Nigeria.
2) To examine the impact of legal migration on socio economic development of Nigeria
3) To examine the impact of ill -legal migration on National security of Nigeria
4) To outline the role of Ecowas in legal Migration in the Nigerian state.
Scope Of The Study
This research is limited to Impact on Legal Migration in Nigeria 1999-2015
Literature review
Legal Human migration has both beneficial and negative impacts on the environment and territory of the communities of origin and destination18. Other than economic reasons, environmental degradation has contributed significantly to increased population movements over the last decades in Nigeria Scenarios of sudden mass relocation or displacement can have considerable environmental effects on the migrant host area 15 .Since after the discovery of oil olobiri in Bayelsa state in the Year 1956,there has been an impact of legal migration on the socio Economic development of Nigeria which can be listed below 31:
Labour Market 12 reveals that, migrants occupy various sectors in a nation state’s labour market. When the necessary skills needed are occupied with highly skilled migrants then economy of the receiving state will be highly productive. These highly skilled migrants contribute to labour market flexibility of that specific nation-state bringing innovation, creativity and boosting the productivity of the economy20. A very good example can be revealed through the reasonable amount of Nigerian youths travelling abroad (America, United Kingdom, Canada, and France) for higher degrees and having the intention of staying back in the receiving nation state within the intention of joining the work force 21. This explains that it is profitable to have immigrants joining the labour force than immigrants who put burden on the nation-state’s government and with no skill 13. Labour migration however is a popular kind of International Migration that majority migrants venture in.
Public Purse This impact reveals that migrants pay more taxes and social contributions than they benefit in the receiving states. These taxes are a way of revenue for the host nation state (destination) 8. Migrants have the most positive impact on the public purse. In this aspect, employment is the single biggest determinant of migrant’s net fiscal contribution. In essence, immigrants who have valuable skill joins the labour force in the receiving states indirectly improving the economy of that state while an irregular immigrant to a nation-state is a direct opposite result to the state, which technically implies that illegal/ irregular migrants and migrants with no contribution to the receiving state is seen as unprofitable 4.
Economic Growth International Migration boosts the working- age population of the receiving state. Migrants in a nation-state with skills contribute to human capital development and practical progress of the receiving state. Every nation-state looks forward to a better economy with the help of immigrants to improve and as well boost their economy and not immigrants who are mostly burden or night-mares to the host nation state 29. Using Nigeria for instance, majority of the immigrants are from poor neighboring countries with little or no skill to improve the nation state’s economy, majority of them seek refuge in the nation state most times retiring to begging as well as inheriting menial jobs from the citizens of the nation state through low wages 22. Various odd jobs engaged by these immigrants include; factory workers, construction sites labourers to mention a few. This reveals that immigrants with valuable skills boost the socioeconomic growth of the receiving states30. The presence of necessary skills and reasonable workforce leads to the socio-economic development and growth of an aggregate GDP of that specific state 16.
In this study, the research adopts systematic qualitative content analysis as its method. Therefore, the documents such as newspapers, textbooks, journals, articles and other written records based on impact on legal migration in Nigeria (1999-2015) Therefore, the method of data collection for the research/study is secondary
The present report is divided into five chapters. First chapter gives the background to the study, scope of the study, methodology, literature review, chapterization etc.
Second chapter deals with relevant studies found in the literature which include concept of Legal migration
Third chapter deals with the Nigerian border and international migration
Fourth chapter deals with the analysis of data and presentation of the study which evaluates the data collected keeping in mind the set objectives.
Fifth chapter deals with conclusions and suggestions which are derived from this study.
An appendix at the end
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