Chapter 1: Introduction
1.0 Background of Study
Paper has been the most common mediumof documenting information. In our university system, the use of paper-basedcommunication has created some challenges that contribute to make universityadministration expensive. These challenges include time and paper consumedduring processing of personnel files, poor storage and insecurity of the paperfiles. Paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper iseliminated or greatly reduced. This is done by converting documents and otherpapers into digital form.
This project work presents a virtual system that enables allactivities involved in a university personnel administration to be carried outwithout paper.
1.1 Statement of the Problem
The manualmethod in administering personnel services in a university is characterized bythe following:
1.2 Objectives
Theobjectives of this project are:
1.3 Significanceof the Project
Paper-based university administration is very expensive and timeconsuming. With the help of internalnetworking and database management software, personnel officers do not have towaste time searching through tons of data in paper files anymore. There ismuch better control over processes, the workflow is faster, less of paper, lesstonner for printer are being used and lesser printers are needed, feweremployee are needed, leading to a lesser overheadand budgetary cost in the overall system.
1.4 Scope of Study
This research work is on VirtualUniversity Administration. The study covers the existing structure of apaper-based university administration and personnel management system. Thestudy also covered the design and implementation of the new system and thetechnologies used in the development of the Virtual system. Finally the webdevelopment technologies used for the application.
1.5 Limitation of study
The limitations of avirtual system can be listed as follows:
1.6 Organizationof study
1.7 Definitionof Technical Terms
Virtual is acomputer created, simulated or carried on by means of a computer or computernetwork.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used for transfer of documents from source to destination,retaining its original quality and format.
Hypertext markup language (HTML) is a text based programming tool used for describing thecontent of a web page, such as making a text to appear bold, capitalized,underlined and other forms of contextual definition required to make the webpage content readable to humans.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a text-based programming tool used for definition of thelayout or presentation of the content of a web page.
Asynchronous JavaScript And Extensible Markup language (AJAX) It is a web development techniqueused for construction of the search engine module
SQL(Structured Query Language) is a programming tool used to access and manipulate thedatabase
MYSQL is afreely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) thatuses Structured Query Language (SQL).
PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is widely used open sourcegeneral-purpose scripting language that is specially suited for web developmentand can be embedded into HTML
JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming language used for validation andsubmission of HTML form elements to MYSQL.
Portal is mostoften one specially-designed web page at which brings information together fromdiverse sources in a uniform way.
Web page is aweb document that is suitable for the world wide web and the web browser.
Server is acomputer in a network that stores application program and data files accessedby other computers.
PHPMYADMIN isan interface between user and database.
System Development Life Circle (SDLC) is the stage/phase involved in the development of asystem.
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general purpose modeling language that is use for thedesign and implementation of an application.
Methodology isthe method you intend to use to collect data.
Organogram isa diagram that explains relationship between different people in anorganization.
Flow Graph is a directed graph with a distinguished root node that can reach every vertex.
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