We have seen one of the most significant occurrences in human history to date in the last few decades: the digital and online revolution brought about by information and communication technologies (ICTs). Information and communication technology is not only altering how we live and work, but it is also doing so far more swiftly than any prior revolution (such as the Industrial Revolution), and with far-reaching effects. It's likely that all we've seen so far in terms of ICTs is the top of the iceberg. The ICT revolution has accelerated human development across the board. Today, even the tiniest organizations use computerized systems in general and web-based systems in particular. Without a computerized information system, a business cannot operate in a competitive market. In fact, the demands of global competition and ongoing innovation are prompting many organizations to reconsider their business models. To do this, an organization's capacity to properly integrate electronic commerce, knowledge management, customer relationship management, and mobile computing was necessary (Ugwuegbu, 2003)
When education within the conventional educational system has previously been discontinued or interrupted and adult learners are involved, adult education is being provided. It is distinctive because adult education is planned and structured with adults in mind (Fulah, 2003).
The time and forms of instruction are just two examples of how education outside of the conventional education system differs. The organisation that offers education and training to adults is the basis for how adult education is defined (Jenny, 2001).
Adult education is teaching outside of school that includes relevant support services for adults. It is designed for adults who don't have the academic background of a high school graduate. It is a type of education for adults whose inability to speak, read, and write English, compute, and solve challenges constitutes a significant impairment in their ability to get, retain, and/or function in their job, in their family, and in society commensurate with their real ability, to achieve their goals, and to develop their understanding and potential. A programme that assists this group of people in overcoming such limitations and increasing their level of education and independence is necessary (Aback, 2000).
Adult educators are trained individuals who instruct adults in adult education sessions. A person who engages in the profession of assisting adults' learning by utilising androgogy's concepts is known as an adult educator. An adult education student is a student who enrols in an adult education course at any school with the goal of graduating with the necessary credentials to work as an adult educator. An adult education student needs to complete certain training in order to be qualified for the vocation. Training is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies through the teaching of practical or vocational knowledge and abilities that correspond to certain beneficial competencies (Frank, 2009). The purpose of training is to increase one's ability, capacity, and performance. It serves as the foundation of apprenticeships and the cornerstone of the curriculum at technology institutes (sometimes referred to as technical colleges or polytechnics). To maintain, enhance, and update skills throughout one's working life, in addition to the basic training needed for a trade, occupation, or profession, observers of the labour market recognise as of 2008 the need for ongoing training. This type of training is sometimes referred to as professional development by people in many different professions and industries. When ICTs are used to drive curriculum, training is typically more successful. The process of combining smaller parts into a single, cohesive whole is known as integration. The term "integration" in the context of information and communications technology (ICT) refers to the outcome of a process designed to join together various, frequently dissimilar, subsystems so that the data they contain become a part of a larger, more complete system that, in theory, rapidly and readily distributes data when necessary.
In order to combine new or current hardware, software, and other communications, businesses frequently need to create a specialised architecture or structure of applications. The incorporation of curriculum and training methods at tertiary institutions that are driven by information and communication technology (ICT) Although it may not be a novel teaching approach, adult education has given teaching and learning a fresh perspective. Desegregation is the process of bringing together members of different racial or ethnic groups in a community or organisation without discrimination. Integration is the act or process of integrating (Alako, 2016).
One way to improve a system or organisational activity, whether it be a business, industry, educational institution, etc., is to apply or introduce a specific concept or method. In order for such an organisation to improve its current activities or mode of operation in an effort to provide better results or output, such an idea or approach might be required. The term "integrated teaching" describes a method of applying knowledge and skills from many contexts and sources, as well as connecting them. It simply refers to creating a link between theoretical understanding and actual application.
As a result, there is a need to incorporate ICT-driven curriculum into the instruction of adult education students in higher learning institutions in Edo State. ICTs are described as a "diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and handle information " (Brandford, 2008).
ICT refers to the technology that comprises of electronic devices and related human interaction materials that allow the user to utilise them for both personal and a variety of teaching and learning processes (Clarlson, 1999). Computers, the Internet, radio and television broadcasts, and telephones are some of these technologies. ICT refers to a field of technology that processes and exchanges data in order to serve human needs. The processing of information and its communications aspects that assist teaching, learning, and a variety of educational activities is known as information and communications technology (ICT) in education (Dowling, 2003). Anzalone (2001) argued that some ICT resources, such as PowerPoint presentation software, data projectors, and Internet services, can improve students' academic performance when used in teaching and learning. ICT in education refers to the use of these technologies in the educational setting. The phrase can also be used to refer to educational technology since it makes use of all hardware and software techniques that improve learning results (Eric, 2014).
It is essential to talk about the use of ICT in education by focusing mostly on computer-based technology because, in the current technological age, ICT primarily focuses on the structure, devices, and sources of communication technology. Any educational technology used in the educational process is considered ICT in education. It includes a Systems approach that uses management technology to deal with the systematic organisation of the hardware and the software, a Hardware approach like the use of machinery and materials, a Software approach like the use of methodologies and methods for instruction and learning, and a third approach like the use of software and systems (Johnson, 2016). It also includes different software packages for use in different departments of education; eg. library software, administration software, software related to managing the entire teaching learning process. Ogan (2016) stated that an appropriate use of PowerPoint can enhance the teaching and learning experience for both staff and students. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) — which include radio and television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the Internet have been proven as potentially powerful tools for educational change and reform (Jack, 2016). When used appropriately, different ICTs can help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality by helping make teaching and learning into an active process connected to real life. ICT materials should bereadily available for integration into the training of adult education students.
Eric (2014) suggested that ICT should be properly integrated to enable adult education students to source information at ease. Freire (2005) is of the opinion that it is crucial for instructors to develop the necessary abilities for integrating ICT-driven curriculum into the instruction of adult education students. ICT in education refers to the use of these technologies in the educational setting. The phrase could also be used to refer to educational technology since it makes use of all hardware and software techniques that can improve learning results (Eric, 2014).
It is essential to talk about the use of ICT in education by focusing mostly on computer-based technology because, in the age of computer technology, ICT primarily focuses on the infrastructure, equipment, and sources of computer technology. Any educational technology used in the educational process is considered ICT in education. It includes a systems approach that employs management technology to deal with the systematic organisation of the hardware and the software, a hardware approach like the use of machines and materials, a software approach like the use of methodology and teaching and learning strategies, and so on (Johnson, 2016).
It also comprises other software programmes for use in many areas of adult education, such as software for managing the entire teaching and learning process, administrative software, and library software.. Ogan (2016) noted that both staff and students can benefit from effective PowerPoint use to improve teaching and learning. Additionally, there are various difficulties that appear to prevent the use of ICT in the tertiary institutions' adult education programmes. The need to identify these issues arises from the fact that doing so sheds light on the reasons that restrict the integration of ICT into the instruction of adult education students. This further enables adult educators to identify and present solutions to these problems for greater ICT integration. However, it appears that adult education students are not being trained in tertiary institutions in Edo State using ICT applications; instead, the conventional or traditional approach to education and training has been popular. (Ugwuegbu, 2003). However, prior to the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), adult education students in higher institutions were trained using the conventional approach or the traditional method of instruction. It appears ineffective to train adult education students in higher institutions in the state of Edo.
This is so because according to Oyedeji (2008), “Adult education students, who ought to receive training in a broad range of information and skills for the community, are discovered to receive such training in the same manner as other professionals (P. 24).
In addition, it appears that tertiary institutions lack the ICT tools required to train students in adult education. The computer is the most important ICT tool for preparing people for success on the current, global labour market. The computer is a machine that gathers information, stores it, and accurately and promptly transmits it as needed. Computer tools use reinforcement principles to encourage acceptable responses as they methodically provide information to learners and elicit a response. Since they engage with the computer, students can study at their own pace when using computers. Many people think it's a more dynamic learning tool. Additionally, options for instruction can be rapidly chosen to fit a student's ability, and progress can be regularly tracked.. In the use of computer device for training adult education students, it has been noted by Ogan (2016), that information is obtained for monitoring and enhancing the performance of adult education students as instruction is taking place. However, with the rise of ICT, many professors are promoting its inclusion in training persons for the development of human capital as well as professional development for the Nigerian labour market. This is due to the fact that ICT offers learning opportunities that are distinguished by consistent interaction between a lecturer and student regardless of time or place, or both time and place, acquiring that is certified in some way by an institution or agency, the use of a variety of media, such as print and electronic, two-way interactions that allow students and teachers to interact, the possibility of necessary face-to-face meetings, and a specialised division of labour in the production process (Eric, 2014).
The majority of knowing, competent, and skilled teachers and educators can use ICT resources to facilitate the instruction of adult education pupils. The researcher decided it was appropriate to investigate in practise the integration of ICT driven curriculum in training adult education students in tertiary institutions in Edo State in light of opinions on the potentials of doing so and the failure of the lecturer method to train effective adult learners in education.
In sub-Saharan Africa, it has been observed that many students and teachers don't seem to understand the value and functions of ICT in teaching and learning. Some facilitators appear to have a neutral stance towards using contemporary technologies. To make education in Africa more functional and effective in terms of teaching and learning, new systems made possible by ICT are constantly needed. However, despite the advantages of ICT, it is unclear whether ICT capabilities are available in learning and teaching environments, and if they are, how much they are used is also unknown. ICT use will improve instruction and learning, lessen work-related stress, and raise student academic performance. These are the main problems that this study is attempting to solve. Higher education around the world now relies more on information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve academic achievement. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the learners and facilitators in West Africa sub-Sahara. Based on this assumption, the researchers looked at how information technology was used in the teaching and learning process for individuals in West Africa's sub-Saharan region to develop sustainably. It is to this the study centres on investigation Integration Of Ict In Training Adult Education Students In Tertiary Institutions In Edo State
The main purpose of the study is an investigation Integration Of Ict In Training Adult Education Students In Tertiary Institutions In Edo State . Other specific objectives include
1) To the determine the role of ICT in the training of Adult education students in Nigerian schools
2) To examine the impact of ICT on academic performance of Adult education students in tertiary institution
3) To examine the problems associated with the use of ict tools in training of Adult education students
4) To recommend ways of improving students’ academic performance through effective use of ict tools in junior tertiary schools
1) What is the role of ICT in the training of Adult education students in Nigerian schools?
2) what is the impact of ICT on academic performance of Adult education students in tertiary institution?
3) what are the problems associated with the use of ict tools in training of Adult education students?
4) What are the ways of improving students’ academic performance through effective use of ict tools in junior tertiary schools?
HO: There is no significant impact of ICT on the training of Adult education students in college of education Ekiadolor
H1: There is a significant impact of ICT on the training of Adult education students in college of education Ekiadolor
The importance of this study cuts across several levels of the nation’s educational system, ranging from the policy makers, stakeholders down to the major beneficiaries who are the students. The significance are carefully enumerated as follows: The study will help the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) to measure the level of success of its organization. Likewise, the study hopes to help view possible factors hindering the effective implementation of ICT policy in education especially in tertiary schools, with the aim of solving them and improving students‟ academic performance. In fact, the study may draw the attention of NITDA to see possible areas that will demand review in the ICT policy to meet the current trend in the global market of information technology. This study will hopefully make the Federal, States and Education Authorities to know the extent to which ICT facilities are available in tertiary schools for teaching and learning process as well as know the level of usage/utilization of these facilities by teachers and students for effective teaching-learning process.
The study would cover the investigation of ict on academic performance of students in junior tertiary schools (a case study of Karulga). The study would encompass teachers, students, Households etc.
The researcher was faced with the following constraints in carrying out this study:
Time: The time within the researcher is too short to carry on the detail study on this topic.
Resources: Another constraint of the researcher is financial resources to carry on the detail study of this topic.
Data: Another limitation to this study will be lack of data to make valid study on the research problem.
ACADEMICPERFORMANCE: is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.
INFORMATON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY: Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual, that enable users to access, store, transmit, understand and manipulate information.
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